Professional pink

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 7, An ending and a beginning

Today marks the end of me being a sheer tourist and being with friends and marks the beginning of my being a student and living with a French woman.

I am truly grateful that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is throughout the world, organizing us as a people in Christ's name to help ourselves grow and helping support others.  I didn't understand much at church, though, and it didn't help that I was falling asleep and that there seemed to be a constant din during sacrament.  But the Church is the Church, and I am glad that there were people there, willing and available to help me as soon as they found out that I'd be attending their ward for some time.  I am definitely going to participate in the Young Single Adult (YSA) activities here to get myself established!

My friends gone to Senegal for their study abroad, I had to face the fact that I am here to stay for a while.  I am grateful for this past week of getting acquainted with some things and that they taught me the metro system.  I successfully made it to my host apartment, and my host mom was kind enough to explain the apartment to me, offer me food, and even take me to the metro to help renew my card so it's ready for tomorrow.  I found out that my host mom has no idea what an LDS/Mormon is.  And that she has a son returning from South America and a daughter wanting to return from Madrid.  :)  And, as we walked around to get to the metro and run an errand, I realized just how close my host apartment is to the Tour Eiffel!

A quick summary of the day: Church, host home, nap, metro, dinner, family calls, blog.  Good enough for me for today.  I talked to all of my immediate family!  Well, except for my little sister, but apparently she's a sickie today.  :(  But I am super grateful for my family and having a GoogleVoice set up to call them FREE!  (Thanks to my oldest brudder!)

Song of the day: Oui, je crois en Christ

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