Professional pink

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 29, Crossing Bridges

Life is full of bridges.  According to Wiki, Paris has 37 all by itself, and that's only one city!  And according to my workshop teacher from today, bridges represent industry, commerce, knowledge in arts and sciences, strength, and riches & abundance.  To prove it, he had just shown us the four statues guarding the bridge immediately south of the Louvre.  One had a vase pouring out water (representing the Seine), another had a castle crown (representing the city of Paris itself, shown below), another had harvesting tools (representing industry), and the other had a lyre and a box of jewels (representing art and riches).

Just like the many bridges I saw today, bridges come in all forms and styles.  Sometimes, we think we know what to expect on the other side because we can see some of it, but we are always amazed to find what is really there once we cross and have a better view on where we came from, how far we've come, and where we're going next.  But sometimes we have to wait until we do get to the other side to even see the potential routes to progress further, on to our goals.  Gah, as much as I want to plan my life out, it really is impossible and some details must wait to be determined until I have a better view of what is going on in my life!

As we go, there are adventures to be found, as well as secret paths and beauty!

For example, this door is part of the Pont Alexandre III and even though today was my third time crossing it in as many days, I just noticed it today!

Leaving the secret door, I found these lovelies on the way to the next stop point in the workshop.

 Supposedly, an Italian story inspired the new practice of writing your and your love's names on a lock and attaching it to one of the many bridges here to represent strength and fortitude despite the passage of time.  It's a bit cursi perhaps, but it's romantic.  :D

"HORA FUGIT STAT JVS"--something about time fleeing.  Fitting for my situation, I thought.  Besides, it's Latin.  Do I really need an excuse?

I saw this vine and had to take a picture because it's the same exact vine we had for years at home!

Once the workshop was over, I explored a bit in an effort to find the church building for FHE, finding the delicate vine shown above on my way. 

After FHE, a few friends and I decided to hang out and grab some comestibles.  The cupid is a mark for this brand of gelatto, "Amorino."  I asked my friends what Amorino was and how it was different from other types of glace, to which Bonnie responded (thinking I was talking about the name "Amorino"), "I dunno.  You're the Latin-speaking person.  You tell me what it means!"  

"Well, to me it looks like 'little love' in Italian."

"That would make sense.  There is a little cupid, after all."

I love Latinate languages and seeing the patterns!  Why hadn't it clicked sooner?  Thank you, Bonnie, for pushing me to put my knowledge to use!

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