Professional pink

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 14, Bonne Fête de la Mère!

First off, a shout out to my mama!  I love you muchie!

I hope her day has been just as good as mine, 'cause mine was splendid!

Reason número uno: I met 6 guys in my ward who are hispanohablantes!  Three are native Spanish speakers studying French here, two are Spanish-speaking missionaries here in Paris, and one is a Spaniard serving Chinese-speaking here.

Reason número dos: I déjeuné-d with the other exchange student living here.  We talked for our second time since my arrival, and she was kind enough to loan me a small sac for carrying a few things to a YSA event.

Reason número tres: I went to the YSA event and made it to the metros/trains/activity on time!  There was a talk from a guy from Buenos Aires who served in France and presented on nature and nurture with biological and musical examples, there was a buffet sandwich dinner, and there was a French version of the CES fireside from last week.

Reason número cuatro: I saw Soeur Woyak!  If you didn't believe my FB status on Thursday, well take this as proof!

Basically, today was a day for feeling the Spirit, building friendships, and enjoying life.  I must say, even though I'm struggling with French, having friends makes it worthwhile.  Seriously, I'm not huge on cities and Paris isn't the glorious place I expected it to be. Yep, I like seeing the historic sites and noticing Latinate traits in French.  (I love thinking about how French is a sister language to Spanish and that they started out the same!)  But really, it's all about the people.  They give me reason to want to learn it and want to use it competently.  My friends are my motivation right now.  And I think part of why I need to learn French now  is so I can one day give talks in multiple countries and languages, like that Argentine man today.

PS Did I mention how much I loved and needed the hugs from Soeur Woyak?!  And how much I loved talking/chatting with my family?!  And how great today was?!

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