Professional pink

Friday, October 10, 2014

New Adventures

"Your life is so interesting! You should have a blog. "

So said my friend/coworker, who was surprised to find out I already do.

My blog started as a travel log as a grad student. Three and a half years and countless decisions later, here I am again at last. I wish it were for another travel log to a far-off country, but for now it'll be about my adventures closer to home. Before, I was a graduate student and graduate instructor; now I'm graduated, I've spent almost a year and a half in the workforce with, and (as if that weren't enough) I'm a middle school Spanish teacher!

My work with FamilySearch has been in-depth and varied, and I love that I get an insider look at the system. I've also been blessed with unique opportunities to do family history research.

My time with FamilySearch as a contractor has been terminal from the outset, and a turn of events led me to consider being Profe Bean again--and after more turns of events, here I am, fulfilling both roles!

My student instructor days were helpful, but boy is teaching pre-teens and teens a new ball game! And yet, I don't regret it.
New teacher supplies from my mentors, including "Teacher Kibble" AKA Cookies 'N Cream candies. ☺

Let me tell you, I was scared for my first parent-teacher conferences yesterday as the teacher, but it went splendidly. I talked with parents of struggling students as well as of excelling students. They don't know I was hired a week before school started, that I'm still in the licensure process, and that I am constantly swaying back and forth between feeling like an incompetent novice and a confident instructor. I was pleasantly surprised to find that none of them blamed me for anything. No; in fact, some even thanked me for my work and communication with them!

Validated? Oh, yes, and it is sweet.

And now, time to grade papers...

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