Professional pink

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Un dia triste para mi...

So, last Saturday, I was going about my own business, innocently shopping for food to subsist upon for the start of the school year.  My first mistake was thinking about what a good driver I am and how simple my life has been lately.  The second mistake was to trust the oncoming car's right blinker that was supposed to turn into where I was so I could take a left onto the busy road.  Not so.  And the oncoming driver, ignorant of his blinking light and why I was pulling out, supposed I would move out of the way in time.  My car was too slow.  He braked at the last moment and swerved what he could, probably saving my life.  Thankfully, the damage done was only emotionally to me and the physical blow was suffered by my dear '97 Geo and the other guy's '11 Toyota. I'm guessing his car'll be taken care of.  Mine will, too, but I'm not sure exactly how just yet.  According to Maaco, mine's totaled.  :(

It's still surreal that the accident happened.  That it happened to me.  That I may be carless, just after having updated the tabs, replaced the brakes, fixed  the CV axle, and gotten a new paint job and transmission just a year ago.  That I almost avoided it.  That I almost died.  

I saw the other guy on campus today, and I'm pretty sure he recognized me; he looked down as we walked past each other.

All I can say is that I don't know what the future holds for me and my car, but I do know thatI am blessed with wonderful family members to comfort me and calm me and hug me, and that Heavenly Father must really want me to be here--he's saved me from two car accidents, preserved my life in Europe, and protected me against many other, unknown dangers!

Tengan cuidado mientras manejan!

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