Professional pink

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Words of Encouragement and Advice

So, I recently got a new phone and I finally went through my old saved texts yesterday--you know, ones I liked and never looked at but could never part with.  Well, the timing was perfect, because Heavenly Father knew I needed to read them once and for all to remind me just how much love I received, even in something as simple as a text.  Among all the little, "You're sweet" and "You're the best!" from friends and family I found some sweet,  moving words of comfort and encouragement from one of the wisest people I knew who was acting on promptings as she kept her daughter in her prayers.  I thought I'd share--you know, just in case you need a bit of encouragement like I often do.

  • I love you! 
  • God bless you! 
  • You are a helper in our Heavenly Fathers kingdom and will be a great mother in Zion.  I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE!
  • You’re the best! 
  • Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.  As for me he is being kind because I am not yet ready to let you go.  This is mom by the way.  I lost my phone.  I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! YOUR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED AT THE RIGHT TIME.  PATIENCE IS A GODLY ATTRIBUTE HE DESIRES US TO ACQUIRE.  IT IS PAINFUL AT TIMES BUT WILL BE WORTH IT.  YOU ARE OF GREAT WORTH!
  • Just remember many men have loved you.  You are waiting for the one that your heart will recognize and say “THERE YOU ARE!”  You will be blessed :)  Your ancestor-Your future posterity and your family here on earth are all praying for your success in finding that special companion. 
  • I love you!  YOU are a blessing to all that come in contact with you.  
  • We love you very much and will be praying for you.  
  • You are never stuck we are ever moving forward.  Our bodies are always under going change.  Two years ago I could not lift a glass yesterday I had strength enough to mow the front lawn.  Last year I was on chemo now I am not. 
  • Get some rest it helps with coping and dealing with individual challenges.  We love you very much. 
  • We are all a work in progress.  A marvelous work and a wonder :)
  • Three simple things we all need to remember:) to love God- to love yourself- to properly love others :-) 
And if that isn't enough, well, think of the forget-me-nots.  


  1. ariel! i hope you're doing well. i loved that talk by President Uchtdorf--the Forget-Me-Not. he always knows exactly what i need to hear. then again, i suppose it's Heavenly Father who's prompting him to say what i need to hear because i look up to him so much. either way, isn't it comforting to know that Heavenly Father is always watching out for us?

  2. You just made my day and Mom's! Those are awesome quotes! Love ya!
