Professional pink

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Side-note

My daddy wanted me to write every day, saying he would as well.  Of course, I was planning already on keeping up my blog to share my adventures, and perhaps I have shared so much that friends have gotten behind and feel weighed down with keeping up on the reading.  Recent weeks should’ve helped with that some, considering that I haven’t been so consistent.  Honestly, I’m tired, too.  It’s not that I lack the time; indeed, on the contrary—I have more time than ever, even than when I was in Paris.  It’s just that I come back late-ish and watch TV with Teresa while being on FB and Gmail.  I have various excuses, but maybe a big one, come to think of it, is that I’m plain tuckered out emotionally.  I still have exciting moments, but most of the time I’m left to my own devices and either bum around at home or try to keep busy out and about. 

The best way to describe how I feel is to liken it to those marathon shopping days I have every once in a while with my sisters and mama—they can keep going and going like no tomorrow (or so it seems at times), but I get so tired after 6 or 8 hours nonstop that I get grumpy and don’t want to do anything but go home.  I’m not grumpy this time, but the worst part of the deal is that I can’t go home earlier because I still need to go to Salamanca, Toledo, and London.  Really, though, sightseeing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially not on an extended basis.  I’ve seen lots of castles and cathedrals and museums.  Can I please just go home?!

Talking to other Americans probably hasn’t helped my case much, particularly when we discuss our own culture and plans for going home while speaking our native language.  (Remember, part of why I’m here in Spain is so that I supposedly improve my Spanish…)  Sure, I’m making friends with native Spanish speakers, but how much are these days in Spain actually helping?  Granted, they sure aren’t hurting my Spanish, but I do have many more years of life in which to improve my skills and knowledge.

To those of you reading this, know that I love and miss you.  I hear stories about what you’re up to and I see pictures, and I know that you think there’s not much of interest back there in UT or WA, but know that simple moments with the ones you love are the ones to live for.  And remember, too, that the United States, despite the junk food, faults, and imperfections found therein, is a special country, filled with the latest technology and medicine and the site of the restoration of the one true church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Being away from home has been the only way for me to recognize the immense blessings I have been given—and yes, that includes you, dear Reader.  I’ll see you after I get home on July 29, ¿vale?

Song of the Day: Come, Come Ye Saints

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