Professional pink

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 72, Networking

 I love it when people do their job and are actually happy about it and show that they love to help!  I met a couple of women like that in the library, and it has made me feel so much more comfortable in working there!  Thanks to one of them, I basically have two 17th century documents and two volumes of the 20th century version of one of them on reserve for me for most of the rest of my time here.  :)

Aside from getting some actual work done, I went “home” to eat, hoping Teresa had made something.  I arrived to find nobody home, but decided to make one of my special fruit smoothies, kind of as a gift/contribution to living there.  When she got home, she didn’t want any, though.  I found out a few hours later that it was her birthday, too!  Too bad I didn’t have a real gift to give her.

Some women and their kids came to visit for her birthday, and the two girls ended up handing me a Nintendo handheld to play with them.  Okay, so I am so non-videogame savvy that I didn’t even know that the handhelds could communicate and participate in the same game!  Needless to say, I didn’t do so hot with the speed games or games that they didn’t explain to me well, but I kicked their trash on a puzzle game!

Sadly, I had to leave the girls, but it was to meet up with Fabiola, a YSA girl who’s in my ward, so she could show me around the Retiro some more.  Calvin, a guy I met in Lisbon just arrived in Madrid, too, so I invited him to join us.  When we all met up, we realized that the only way we knew each other was thanks to the church: I met both of them at FHE, but in two different countries!  I am so grateful that the Church is a constant and that it brings people together!  Speaking of...

 (Yeah, I was disappointed in the lack of comments on this pic on FB.)  No, we aren't dating; Calvin was trying to block out other tourists, leaving no room for my arm.  
I spy an unwanted tourist.

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