Professional pink

Monday, July 9, 2012

Challenge Accepted

So, there’s a Sunday school teacher in my ward that makes a habit of closing each lesson with a challenge to help us apply the week’s lesson into our daily lives, causing what we discuss and learn to truly be incorporated into everyday life. Now, the challenges aren’t exactly typical, nor are they of his own inventions. No, he prays to know how to present the lesson to us and what to challenge us to do as well as what blessings we can expect from following through on said challenges.

For example, one week’s was to ask someone we liked in our congregation on a date that week, promising us that if we were to do so, we would experience a change of heart the way we needed it and that as a consequence to fulfilling our side of the bargain, an eternal companion would be led into our lives. I did my part and I am still very much single, but I did indeed have a mighty change of heart (Alma 5) in a way that only God could’ve worked in me. As a result, I am much happier with where I am in life and I can see that this time as a young, single adult is a gift from God to help me grow in ways I couldn’t have had I already married or had I not lived in the singles complexes I’ve lived in.

Another challenge was to smile at every person I make eye contact with, regardless of your relationship as friends, enemies, or strangers. It made me think of the Berenstain Bears story where the little girl and her brother are nice to each other to spite their mother, or the game, Quelf, in which one of the curses is to say, “I have you now!” every time you make eye contact. I haven’t been so good at doing that consistently, but it was fun when I did.

But I stray from the topic at hand. This last week’s challenge (from yesterday’s lesson) was to read the entire Book of Mormon in 2 weeks. 40 pages a day. Honestly, my first reaction when I found out was, “I’m busy; I have my thesis to work on.” Which is true. I just started working on it again in earnest. I also just had this urge to resist. And what is the promise, might I ask? That is between me and God, apparently. Hmm. And then my friend informing me of the challenge added a clincher: The teacher issuing the challenge will take everyone who accomplishes the goal out to eat. Okay, I’m a sucker for free food and I'm often not one to pass up a reasonable challenge. Plus, it has been a year since I read the Book of Mormon cover to cover; I need to refresh my knowledge so I can more intelligently discuss the book’s principles with friends who may ask. Besides, I've been slacking off in truly taking time to study and ponder the scriptures rather than simply read a few verses regularly.  I could probably use the spiritual boost in my life--who doesn't! (Who knows; it just may be what brings other blessings about!) And if I get physical nourishment as reward for spiritual work and growth, all the better.

Last week I saw the YouTube video "Pais Mes Brebis (Feed My Sheep)," and although it is in French, the English subtitles and the general spirit of the vid share the power of the word of God (whether it be the Bible,   the Book of Mormon, or other scripture) in our everyday lives to change us. In the long run, if I am to "feed [his] sheep," why not start with myself, one among the sheep also seeking guidance from the Shepherd. Only after nourishing myself and knowing of its reality and goodness can I be a powerful guide and influence in helping others find their path to God.

So, Brother Sunday School Teacher, there are sheep to be fed, starting with me. You’re on. Challenge accepted. 

1 comment:

  1. Ariel are a pure delight and inspiration!! Thank you so much for writing and I hope you keep doing so. :) Thank you my friend! By the way, I'm moving to Provo this Fall to start grad school. Hope to see you up there!
