Professional pink

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paris a la francesa

J'aime beaucoup ce jardin!  C'est le Jardin du Luxembourg.

Okay, so my parents for some reason want to keep in touch with me and want to know what I am up to.

Monday, April 25: I flew to Chicago on a plane with a bunch of greenie missionaries going to France, some Madrid study abroad students, a BYU-I professeur, and a Jewish family.  Basically, it was the best flight I've done solo!  I then went on to good ol' Charles de Galle airport and arrived in the morning.  It was the weirdest thing to have dinner and watch Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, fall asleep for a short time, and wake up to see light and eat breakfast only a few hours after dinner!

Tuesday, April 26: I arrived at the Paris airport, tried for half an hour to no avail to connect to the internet to call home via the Google Voice my oldest bro was so kind to help me set up, and ended up hurrying to the terminal where I hoped to meet up with a former student of mine with her friends.  On my way, I saw missionaries who were there to pick up their new greenies! Just when I was thinking, "Heavenly Father, I need a miracle to find a clock and an arrival schedule to find the girls, I found the terminal, with all the info I needed, and because the missionaries and their mission president were waiting for greenies coming from the Provo MTC who'd be on a flight from SLC, I figured I wasn't too late.  Et voila!  Mes copines!

We eventually made it to Paris to our hotel (after a Parisienne was so kind as to take time and lead us there), and I finally got a connection to the internet, just as I was praying for it to work and for Heavenly Father to help my parents know I was safe, and they were apparently praying for the same reassurance!  He hears and answers prayers!

After crashing for a bit, we headed out and discovered the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints's new visitor's center in the heart of Paris, along with the church building where I'll attend sacrament and institute!  Oh, and we found the Hotel de Ville (historic city hall or something).

Wednesday, April 27: We went all over the Latin Quarter and then some!  We took pictures in front of the Notre Dame, saw the Palais de Justice, crossed the Seine (on bridges), entered the Chapelle de Saint Germain, went to Saint Sulpice (I think...?), ate lunch (a genuine French quiche pour moi) at the Jardin du Louxembourg, found the Pantheon and a nearby cathedral that was cool, wandered back and over to the Louvre (not to see any exhibits yet, but to find a toilette and find out the deal on the museums here), and finally returned to the hotel after grabbing crepes and churros (guess who was the one to buy churros...!).

I miss Spanish and how much I can do with it.  I shouldn't complain, I know, but...I just keep thinking about how I'm going to be here for so long and in Spain so little.  But I got this note from my mama via my daddy just when I needed it: 

  • This is like going on a mission, where the missionary barely speaks the language and has to be immersed in it.  Hang in there; you have the capability and the gift of language.  It takes time to feel comfortable.  Have the attitude of adventure.  You are having the opportunity that none of us have ever had.

I finally found out where my homestay is!  Thankfully, I have the other girls' help to find my way on the metro to figure out the routes I'll be taking.

To be continued, avec des fotos.  :)

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