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Friday, April 15, 2011


FABULOUS movie! When I finally do get serious with someone, he needs to watch this with me and read a couple of talks from LDS general authorities, particularly Pres. Monson's Priesthood session talk and Elder Scott's CES fireside from Fall 2010.

As much as I hear about divorce in the world, it's nice to know that, as President Kimball said, any two people can make a marriage work. I believe that, rather than only believe in a soul-mate, we should look for and find someone who makes us happy, and then he/she will become the one for us.

Also, marriage is serious and sacred and should be treated as such, as a covenant rather than a contract.  Elder Bruce C. Hafen wrote a book, and one chapter explains the differences between contractual and covenant-type  marriage attitudes.  In discussing the advantage of a covenant-focused marriage, he says, "The husband and wife work [troubles] through. They marry to give and to grow, bound by covenants to each other, to the community, and to God. Contract companions each give 50 percent. But covenant companions each give 100 percent. Enough and to spare. Each gives enough to cover any shortfall by the other. Double coverage. Because their covenant is unqualified, they simply plan on solving their problems together—whatever trouble comes, no matter what it is, how long it takes, or what it costs...The spirit of a covenant marriage [is] not a 'pay me back' contract, and nobody keeps score. Both the blessings and the commitments are unmeasured."

Marriage and family are ordained of God (take a look at "The Family: A Proclamation to the World"), and there is hope and promise for happiness! Ironically enough, though, we find it through seeking the other's happiness first. :)

All in all, this gives me hope for my future.

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