Professional pink

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An answer to prayer

All too often, I take the privilege and blessing of being able to pray to God for granted.  Thankfully, at a recent stake conference, Elder Jones of the Seventy counseled us to pray as apartments.  I thought that odd because I know families are counseled to pray together and individually, but apartments of individuals aren't family, nor do they have familial obligations.  Nevertheless, he seemed quite adamant that it would benefit us, so my roommates and I decided that day to hold a daily apartment prayer Sunday-Friday (Saturday is crazy and we don't know when to expect everyone to be home).  I am pleased to report that we have been diligent in doing so for more than 3 weeks now!

Well, today I witnessed what I believe to have been a tender mercy due to these apartment prayers.  You see, this morning I woke up late after not getting as much sleep as I had originally wanted because I had gone to bed late, I thought it was because my roomie had paused my alarm without waking me, I was irritated about feeling like I was the main one waking my roomies for working out in the mornings and for having prayer, and my parents had really put on the stress regarding my plans for Europe.  Plus, I've been behind in my medieval lit reading and that was the class I needed to get to.  Long story short, I've been really touchy lately, and this morning's grumpiness (in hindsight) was largely my own fault.  At any rate, I realized I needed a hug, which one roommate freely gave me.  Soon enough, I was off to class. 

Once in the building where my classroom is, I saw one of my professors and felt to stop and talk to him even though it would make me late.  It actually turned out to be quite uplifting and relaxing because he was able to understand my parents' concerns while also supporting me in my travels. He offered some gospel-centered advice and, I found sometime later, sent me a document with bishops in Europe I could contact to possibly find church members' homes to stay at.  While chatting with him, another one of my professors appeared, who also showed support.

Once I finally made it to class, I was in a slightly better mood, but still weighed down.  In no time at all, though, I had received texts from two roommates, my mom, and my baby sister, all showing love and caring.  To me, it was a miracle that they all texted at about the same time (albeit in-class).  I doubt that they knew about each others' texts, but they all thought of me.  Mom sent me pictures of home life, and the others wrote notes:
  • "Have a great day!  You are wonderful and you'll do great! Don't let your frustration get the best of you!"
  • "Have a good day!  I am thinking of you, so cheer up, butter!  :-)"
  • "I love you seester!"
Tonight, after arriving home, I remarked to one of the said roommates how I believe the support offered me was the result of us being more in-tune with each other and the Spirit by having apartment prayers. 

Just then, another roommate texted that she was on her way home.  I wanted to brush it aside, but because it was already dark and late, I considered offering her a ride.  Not wanting to commit, I instead asked if she was safe, to which she responded in her characteristic manner, "Would you mind picking me up?  I no feel no good."  As soon as I responded that I would, she texted me again: "Me love you big time."  Don't worry; she has fabulous English.  She was just conveying her meaning by using her humor.  I came to find out later that she had originally intended to walk home, but then decided to try finding a ride because of not feeling well.  To me, it was a chance to see that not only was Heavenly Father showing me his loving care, but his guidance to help another one of his daughters as well.

My life is blessed and I am grateful for prayers, yes, but also for answers to them and being able to be answer to someone else's prayer.  Just like Elder Holland has taught in general conference, we can be God's angels on Earth.

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